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Privacy policy

We don’t want to know anything about you that you don’t want to share with us! What we do want is that you download “Common Sense Economics” and explore the large library of videos and additional reading materials that we have carefully curated and translated for you.

Cookies and analytical data collection

We don’t use cookies. Yes, we do use an analytical tool called Fathom that supports us in optimizing our content and improving our website for you, as a reader. It is GDPR, CCPA, ePrivacy, PECR compliant and provides a solution that converts your IP in a specific code, allowing a way of anonymously identifying a visitor (you, in this case) without knowing it’s actually you. We collect data on your country, device type, browser, pages you are visiting, as well as the language in use and how you came to our website. That’s it.

Data you provide about yourself

If you want us to tell you when new videos and articles are available, just sign up to our newsletter (English only for now). You can unsubscribe at any time.

Some personal data must be provided to participate in certain activities, contests or events, so the decision not to provide information might limit your ability to participate. Please do not disclose more personal data than is requested.

But if you do want to tell us more about yourselves, we’d love to hear from you! Our contacts can be found here.

Children’s safety online does not knowingly collect or store personal information about children under the age of 13. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with such information, please contact us and we will endeavour to delete it from our databases.