Competing across countries

This year, EFI has supported its partners in 8 countries to oversee the Economics Olympiad, a multi-round competition for high school students which culminates in an international final that will be held in September in Slovakia. Across Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia and Ukraine, 9000 high school students from more than 900 schools took part. The competition was launched in 2017 by the Czech Institute of Economic Education (INEV), and has grown from 4,000 students in its first year to over 75,000 students from 17 countries participating this year.
No prior knowledge of economics is needed to participate. Students looking to prepare can
download for free translated editions of “Common Sense Economics” from our website and
explore the many videos and articles available in our library. EFI’s country partners
work with schools to promote the competition, encourage their participation and support
teachers as they prepare their students. The first round is an online multiple choice test
supervised by teachers. Depending on the size of the country, a regional round may be held,
followed by a national round made up of a written exam and oral interviews with the jury
panel. Prizes are determined by the country partner and range from cash, tablets, gift cards
and even university scholarships. We are really excited by the support given to the
competition this year by local business and academic communities and expect to see a
major increase in both competitors and supporters in 2024.
The 5 finalists from each country will compete at the international round in Bratislava in September. Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to find out who wins!